It seems like everyone knows that driving under the influence is not only dangerous, but often times lethal. But despite this understanding, thousands of people take that risk every year when they get behind the wheel after consuming alcohol. After all the deaths, injuries and losses, drunk driving is still just as dangerous and just as lethal.
So far, in 2010, there have been over 3,000 alcohol-related deaths. If that rate continues more than 9,000 people will be dead due to the deadly combination of alcohol and vehicles. Additionally, of all traffic fatalities in 2008, 37% of them were alcohol related.
Sometimes driving drunk is one time thing that people have done. However, most often, drunk drivers are habitual offenders. Unlike those suffering from a heroin addiction, or a cocaine addiction, alcohol is legal and can be bought in almost any grocery store. This often times makes staying away from alcohol extremely difficult. The only real way to handle this is to enroll someone who has an alcohol dependancy in a long term, inpatient drug and alcohol rehab.
Before more people get killed by drunk drivers, please take the time to talk to someone that drives drunk and let them know that there is help out there. If you or anyone you know is in need of help for a drug or alcohol addiction please call Narconon Louisiana at 866-422-4650 for more information.