Alcohol Recovery Online will contact you within 24 hours. Or call our hotline number for a faster response: (877) 340-3602
First Name:
Last Name:
City, State
If not, how are you connected/related to this person
What is the age of the addict? ... less than 18 18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 56-65 over 65
Drug History: Please indicate which drug(s) are involved Main Drug Second Drug Third Drug ... Cocaine Alcohol Crack Heroin Meth Other ... Cocaine Alcohol Crack Heroin Meth ... Cocaine Alcohol Crack Heroin Meth
How Used? Pills Smoking Intravenous Snorting
Briefly describe this person's drug history What problems has addiction caused the addict?
What problems has addiction caused their family?
What is the worst problem facing the addict?
Please describe briefly what is the current scene with the addict
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Alcohol Recovery Online - Help for Alcoholics - Alcoholism - Drug Rehabs
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