I came to Narconon in a rather terrible condition. I felt as though I would never recover hope. I thought myself a lost cause. I had spiraled out so far I had no idea who I was anymore and why my life had gone to pieces. I … felt distant and empty when I looked inside.

I didn’t realize it at the time but [the sauna program] gave me a body that operated at full speed again. My mind became clear as it had not been for ages.

I have never quite met a challenge such as this. I was opening my heart and changing my perception in a way that could only be called amazing. I learned so much about myself from doing the simplest exercises. All of a sudden I was on top of the world again. I was opening my mind to a way of thinking that I had allowed myself to believe that I would never achieve. I became in touch with my senses and started to feel the world around me for what seemed like the first time.

Then continued to courses which filled in the gaps my life had. I now know I am in full control of my life and capable of existing on this planet as a whole being.

I am forever grateful to the staff for guiding me through the darkest parts of my life and never once discouraging me. I have faced my inner demons, shed my addiction and completely rebuilt my entire self. I can feel again, see clearly again, love again. I have miraculously saved my life. I hadn’t realized it until now, but, I’m back! Narconon saved my life. I’m free. No more addiction. I can’t believe how far you guys have helped me travel, how strong you’ve taught me I could become. I love each and every person that has been there for me along the way.

I’m finally free, I love you,


  • www.MarijuanaOnline.org
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  • www.CrystalMethOnline.com
  • www.DrugAbuseSolution.com
  • www.BenzosRehab.com
  • www.EcstasyOnline.org
  • www.Prescription-Abuse.org
  • www.Inhalant-Abuse.org

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