It was not my intention to come to Narconon. I was happy in my own miserable drug addiction. I knew my life had shrunk to exclude everything except what existed inside my own house. I knew deep down I would end up dead or in rehab. But I had no ability to help myself [so] my family intervened.

I was not happy. I thought one month was enough to give to this program. So I thought “Just get through the sauna,” but a curious thing happened to me. The sauna program began to clear my mind and body! The course books and staff started making sense. As the drug cloud lifted more clearly I saw the logic and sense of what was being offered and I grabbed it wholeheartedly.

The sauna program cleaned out my body. I felt alive and free. My body responded to exercise and aches and pains vanished. My eyesight improved. My mind thought clearly again.

I learned how to be there comfortably, and how to confront and handle my emotions.

I can go home in charge of my life and future. No more hiding. I am the man my wife married. I am a person to be reckoned with. I am free of alcohol and drugs and am happy to let the world know it. I hope to educate people at home about the program and give them hope for others with damaged lives.

I will pursue opening a sauna treatment center of my own. I already have great interest shown from business associates at home. I hope to help many.

Most of all, Narconon has helped me. My life is saved but even better, all the lives I touch will be better off because I am better. Narconon helps more than the individual – it helps heal everyone around that person.

I returned home with all the tools I need to cope and succeed in life. I am a very lucky man. I got everything back, including parts of me I didn’t even know I’d lost.

It worked for me!

I love you all,



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