Drug and alcohol rehabilitation for the alcoholic is possible. If you are seeking treatment for yourself or for someone you know, the first step is in education for yourself. It's important to know that drug and alcohol abuse is a symptom of an underlying problem. Treating the symptoms would only be a disservice to the addict. Relapse could be just a stressful situation away.
Narconon Riverbend Retreat is a drug and alcohol rehabilitation center with one of the most affordable programs available with the highest success rate in the nation: over 70% compared to the industry of 15%.
The Narconon program addresses the underlying problem associated with drug or alcohol addiction and abuse. We also focus on the restoration of personal ethics regarding responsibility toward family members and others in general.
Unlike other drug abuse centers, Narconon's different Phases address the different aspects of handling substance abuse:
Drug Free Withdrawal - including a detoxification procedure to eliminate drug residuals in the body's system.
Learn how to lead a better life.
Handle suppression and life's ups and downs.
Learn how to change conditions in life and discover the Way to Happiness!
Final review to ensure the student has completed all Phases thoroughly and to develop a battle plan on how to incorporate all that has been learned to their new lives.
Follow up plan: A comprehensive long-term follow-up program designed and implemented to assist the student through the first year of their recovery.
More detailed information on
Narconon Riverbend Retreat
can be found on our official website for drug rehab solutions.