Alcohol Abuse in Louisiana

How much does alcohol abuse affect the state of Louisiana?  We can pull some facts and discuss this.  Alcohol is the leading cause of death for Louisiana Youth.  That right there is a startling fact.  When we look at highway fatalaties we find that alcohol is the second highest rate in the nation. reports that 50% of all homicides, suicides ad fatal traffic crashes in Louisiana there was alcohol involved.  So we could safely say that alcohol is affecting the state.  There are those that would like very much to help persons who are an alcohol abuser.  We live in a state where alcohol is pretty much accepted and the behavior is also.  Let’s take into account that Louisiana has the lowest alcohol taxes in Southeast and lowest wine tax in the country.  The alcohol taxes on beer and wine in Louisiana are about three pennies a drink.  When we look at the excise tax on alcohol we find that it has not been increased since 1948.  So where can all the monies come from so we can help many of the person who are abusing alcohol.  There will be a certain percentage of them that will need state funds to get treatment.  So we know that there is a problem with the monies to help cover the cost of alcohol problems in Louisiana.  It was noted by Joseph Califana, Jr. that there is a direct correlation between the state ability to curb spending on social problems and offering treatment for addictive disorders.  Mr. Califano also noted there are other returns besides reducing state spending.  One of the most important returns we get when we help get treatment is that we get a reduction in crime and human suffering for the addict and also for the parents, children classmates of the abuser.  It can be looked at as a positive economic benefit to states from productive law abiding taxpaying residents.  We can say there is problem in Louisiana when it comes to alcohol abuse.

Learn more about alcohol abuse by clicking here.

If you are looking for a rehab in Louisiana, click here.

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